Strange how an old thread can be so actual. I started therapy 6 weeks ago to deal with problems in my relationship with my husband due to toxic parenting. Even after both my parents are dead I still react at times as if I hear their voice coming from my husband. It takes training to be the child/adult and cope with the feelings that rush up when you are so vunerable. When I read your original thread I saw myself 100%. My husband was also dismayed to see his intelligent wife revert to a child whenever we visited my parents.
I would clean their house, shop, by them presents anything for some form of recognition...never love...I knew that was out of the question. I would even tell my husband where he could sit or fathers chair was out of the question. If he tried to get me to question my behaviour I would feel intense anxiety. I was often ill for 6 weeks after a visit to their place.
I am having NLT therapy to try to unite the child/adult to cope with the negative input. It was very interesting when I was asked where I felt myself as a grown women...I pointed to my stomach. When asked where I felt the child, my hand flew up to my throat and I couldnt say the word.
It was most interesting as I have always been articulate in most situations except when I am in conflict with my husband that triggers the child to react. I go completely quiet, silence, for as long as it takes. It was a protective action that worked for me as a child as they could not get into my mind. It is not very productive as a grown woman, but unfortunatly one of the first responces that the brain uses as it worked then.
I believe that my cutting off all contact with my parents saved my life, I was so depressed and suicidal. Yet even so there are after effects from such an action which many would consider too drastic. My husband knows that I do not believe he is my father or that he would ever treat me as he did, yet he does not understand that his reaction to me at times triggers negative memories deep down that then take over the show.
The therapy if anyone else is in this situation...give it a try. If you dont have the money...get books...join a self help group.
Chicken little